
Vi designar och konstruerar hela eller utvalda delar av processindustrier, främst inom massa och papper. Arbetet sker i nära samarbete med dig som uppdragsgivare, helt utifrån din kravspecifikation.


Varje projekt är unikt, det har vi insett efter alla våra år i branschen. Därför kan du också vara helt trygg med att vi leder projektet hela vägen, precis utifrån de förutsättningar vi kommit överens om.

Flytt av processanläggning

Ofta är omplacering och ombyggnad av en industri den bästa läsningen, sett ur flera perspektiv. Bättre ekonomi, bättre resursanvändning och snabbare produktionsstart, för att ge några exempel.

All the way – across the globe

We carry out projects both in Sweden and internationally and over the years we have built up a great deal of knowledge and solid experience from the most diverse industrial projects. You can use us all the way, from feasibility studies via the design work to the time to “press the start button”.

All the way – across the globe

We carry out projects both in Sweden and internationally and over the years we have built up a great deal of knowledge and solid experience from the most diverse industrial projects. You can use us all the way, from feasibility studies via the design work to the time to “press the start button”.

Crane and process plant

Competence and passion

When our customers evaluate the collaboration with us, we always get good marks for our competence and not least our genuine commitment, regardless of the size of the project. All of our long-term business relationships also testify to that.

Competence and passion

When our customers evaluate the collaboration with us, we always get good marks for our competence and not least our genuine commitment, regardless of the size of the project. All of our long-term business relationships also testify to that.

Quality and environmental work

When we talk about continuous development, we mean exactly that. One example is that we continuously maintain and develop the Promt management system for Quality & Environment in order to ensure continuous improvement.

Quality and environmental work

When we talk about continuous development, we mean exactly that. One example is that we continuously maintain and develop the Promt management system for Quality & Environment in order to ensure continuous improvement.